Find rehabs and addiction treatment in Florida

Florida sunshine and good times hide something a little more sinister and a lot more painful. The state is dealing with significant substance abuse problems - primarily opioids, meth, cocaine, and alcohol. More than 5,000 Floridians died of a drug overdose in 2017. Opioid abuse was behind the majority of deaths (3,245) - often involving synthetic opioids such as fentanyl, as well as heroin-related drug use.

Drinking under age 21 also remains problematic in Florida, especially among girls.

Florida lags behind the rest of the nation somewhat in term of insurance parity legislation. However, under the Affordable Care Act, federal law mandates that even in Florida insurance plans are required to cover treatment for substance abuse and mental health needs at an equivalent level with physical health needs.

For those with comprehensive private health insurance, like a PPO plan, and/or the ability to co-pay or self-finance addiction treatment, there's a choice between many luxury treatment centers. Florida is home to some of the nation's best drug and alcohol rehabs.

However, no one in Florida needs to struggle with addiction thinking that they cannot get professional treatment help. Even for Floridians with limited means, there are rehabs and organizations in Florida ready to help you move past addiction and start enjoying a sober and healthy life.

For government assistance, the Florida Substance Abuse and Mental Health Program (SAMH) is the official state authority for substance abuse, mental health, and methadone designation. They can be contacted 8am to 5pm Mon-Fri, on 1-866-762-2237. For more consumer advice, you can also visit the website of the Florida Alcohol and Drug Abuse Association (FADAA).

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