Alcohol and Brain Damage
Alcohol and the Brain – Why Sobriety Is So Hard © Biology Corner

Want to understand why you have such a hard time staying sober? Researchers at Harvard Medical School say they have the answer based on the results of a recent brain imaging experiment – The very areas of the brain you need most to maintain abstinence are the areas most damaged by excessive alcohol use!

College Drinking
Facebook Used to Spot College Alcoholics © Emotionaltoothpaste

Researchers say that college students who posted pictures or references of intoxication on their facebook pages were far more likely to meet the criteria for problem drinking than students who did not.

Scientists Explain Why We Act Foolishly When Drunk © Borguiboeuf

Researchers at the University of Missouri say they know why we’re more likely to do really dumb things when drunk – it’s not that we don’t realize that we’re screwing up, it’s just that we just lose the ability to care very much about the mistakes we know we’re making.

Working Long Hours Ups Alcohol Abuse Risk © Wen Nag

People who work 50 or more hours per week are as much as three times more likely to develop a problem with alcohol as those who are unemployed.

Intoxicated Dad Puts 8 Year Old Son behind the Wheel © Plasticrevolver

Too drunk to drive, a 28 year old Mississippi man left the driving through Louisiana to his 8 year old son while he passed out, with an open container, in the passenger seat.

Illegal Alcohol
Alaskans Ban Sugar and Yeast to Stamp out Hooch © Jasmic

In 34 Alaskan communities, the possession of sugar and yeast is a crime and police are on the lookout for anyone with the supplies and intent to make up a batch of homebrew.

Illegal Alcohol
Blast at UK Moonshine Factory Kills 5 © BenWatts

Police in the UK say that chemicals and equipment found with the debris at a blast site in an industrial estate in Lincolnshire indicate an illegal vodka making factory. Bottles of black-market vodka can be bought in the area for as little as 2 pounds and are marketed mainly at the large Eastern European immigrant community.

Binge Drinking
July 4th - Spike in ER Visits for Teen Boys © Tim Parkinson

Hospital emergency rooms around the country are ready for a little extra business today, as Independence Day revelry sparks an upswing in underage drinking and all the violence and accidents that go hand in hand with summertime binge drinking .

Alcohol Harm Reduction
Teen Drinking at Home Leads to Problems © 96dpi

Although a lot of parents think that by introducing alcohol to young teens in the home adolescents can learn responsible drinking habits, a large harm reduction study out of Australia and America suggests that these well meaning parents may be doing a lot more harm than good.

Conduct Disorder
Alcohol During Pregnancy Ups Odds of Conduct Disorder © _Zhira_

Hoping to avoid trouble with your teen children? Then make sure you don’t drink at all during the first trimester of pregnancy because as little as one drink a day during those first three months triples the risk of teen conduct disorder.

UK Binge Drinking
Preschool Aged Kid Treated for Alcohol Addiction © Cia de Foto

In an extreme case of collateral damage from the UK’s culture of binge drinking, a 3 year old child was admitted to a West Midlands hospital sometime between 2008 and 2010 for alcohol dependency.

Troubled Relationships
Alcoholics Marry Later - More Likely to Get Divorced © Richard Riley

Dreaming of that white wedding? Well, be careful with your drinking, because not only do problem drinkers get married later in life, they’re also more likely to have relationships that run into trouble - in fact, alcoholics are twice as likely as non problem drinkers to get divorced.

Child Alcohol Abuse
6% of Tweens Drinking in Any Given Month © bass_nroll

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration (SAMHSA), about 6% of kids between the ages of 12 and 14 are drinking alcohol in any given month – almost none of them are paying for it, and about 15% of them have parents who knowingly provide the booze.

Alcohol Casues Increase in SIDS Deaths on New Year's Eve © Dulcelife

SIDS deaths spike by a third on New Year’s Eve, prompting researchers to speculate that increased alcohol consumption decreases childcare effectiveness and leads to the increased deaths.

Helpful News
Sober Time Reverses Alcoholic Brain Damage
Even Brain Damaged Alcoholics Can Expect Neural Recovery with Prolonged Sobriety © MShades
A study which proves that it is never too late to quit drinking shows that even severely brain damaged alcoholics (who suffer balance and walking problems from their neural deficits) will recover much balance and motor function in time. Read Article
Alcohol Abuse November 08, 2017 (13)
Drinking Alcohol Before Surgery Can Be Deadly
Drinking Alcohol Even Days Before Surgery, Can Be Deadly © Andy G
Doctors now caution anyone due for scheduled surgery to limit, or eliminate, alcohol consumption prior to a procedure. Read Article
Alcohol Abuse February 04, 2008 (11)
20 Things People Realize When They Quit Drinking
20 Common Things People Realize When They Quit Drinking Alcohol © Leo Hidalgo
Of all the culturally conditioned behaviors we’ve mindlessly adopted, alcoholism is one of the most curious. Read Article
Alcohol Abuse August 11, 2017
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