4 Months of High-Dose Opiate Use Ups Erectile Dysfunction Risk by 50%
© Bruckerrlb

Here’s one very compelling reason to quit opiates sooner rather than later. Full Story

Friends and Family Supply Most Pills to Drug Abusers © Limowreck666

The overwhelming majority of those who abuse opiates or become addicted get the medications from friends or family and have previously used drugs, such as cocaine.

Addiction Risks
With ADHD It's Defiance That Ups Addiction Risk © austinanomic

Researchers say that not everyone with childhood ADHD has the same increased risk of adult substance abuse, hyperactivity, for example, does not increase the risks. 

Drug Use Survey
15% of Clubbers Take Unidentified Drugs © Libertinus

A large-scale survey of readers of a clubbing magazine reveals that 15% of those polled take white powder drugs without knowing what they’re taking, and that most are already drunk or buzzed when they make that risky decision.

Marijuana and Motivation
Marijuana Use Tied To Low Work Motivation © Ozgun Erdam

Norwegian researchers say that the myth of the laid back pot smoker might have more than a kernel of truth to it - basing their assertion on the results of a research study on marijuana use and motivation at work.

Cocaine Effects
Use Cocaine Now - Go Blind Decades Later? © Hani Amir

Need a good reason to stop using cocaine? How about this – researchers at the Veterans Health Administration say that using cocaine increases your risks of glaucoma by 45% and accelerates the age of onset by about 20 years.

Methamphetamine Abuse Linked to Parkinson’s © Jisana

People who use methamphetamine are at increased risk to develop Parkinson’s disease, probably because chronic methamphetamine use can damage dopamine systems and Parkinson’s occurs as a result of insufficient dopamine in the brain.

Ketamine Among Most Popular UK Club Drugs © PTGreg

A UK study on Ketamine reveals that it is now the 4th most popular drug amongst clubbers, that most drug users are unaware of its serious dangers and that when the UK government reclassified the drug as a controlled substance – use went up and the price went down.

Cocaine Abuse
Tainted Cocaine Causing Skin Rot © Marco Gomes

Doctors in San Francisco, LA and Rochester New York are saying that levamisole (an agricultural de-worming agent) tainted cocaine is causing people to show up in hospitals with purplish decaying skin on the face and ears.

Opiate Abuse
Opiate Tainted Breast Milk Kills infant © Roayce Bair

A 37 year old woman in South Carolina is facing negligent homicide charges after consuming such heavy quantities of opiates as to turn her breast milk toxic.

Legal Highs
Designer Drugs Sold Legally as ‘Bath Salts’ © pau.artigas

Users in the know have been purchasing cocaine-like intoxicating ‘bath salts’ over the internet, in gas stations, truck stops and convenience stores for months. It’s all completely under the radar and since these substances are chemically distinct from cataloged drugs and sold for bathing - completely legal.

Teen Drug Use
Teen Marijuana Use on the Rise © Pasotraspaso

Marijuana is up once again but teen drinking shows a slight decline. More on these statistics and other highlights from the 2010 Monitoring the Future Survey of teens about drug and alcohol use.

Drug Abuse
Federal Judge facing Prison Time for Cocaine © Steakpinball

Jack T. Camp lost his job on the bench and may spend as many as 4 years behind bars for his role in procuring a whack load of drugs for a stripper he was involved with.

Sending Dads to Jail Increases Drug Use in Teen Children © Karmablue

13% of young adults in America today grew up with a father who spent some time behind bars. It’s a pretty substantial number of people, and research out of Bowling Green State University suggests that teens growing up in such households are at an increased likelihood to use marijuana and other drugs.

Marijuana Gateway Theory: Researchers Say It's a Myth © Stabbins Lee

The gateway theory – use marijuana as a teen and you’re opening the door to harder drug use down the road. It’s a fairly commonly help belief, but researchers at the University of New Hampshire say it’s probably not true…they say their research shows that teens who use marijuana are no more likely to use harder drugs as adults

Helpful News
SF Cocaine Turns the Skin of Drug Users Black
Tainted Cocaine in San Francisco Turns the Skin of Drug Users Black © Photo Credit:May May I
8 Patients in San Francisco have developed some form of autoimmune disorder that causes their skin to blacken and slough off. Doctors think the condition is caused by poisoning from levamisole (a veterinary medication) that is added to cocaine. Read Article
Drug Abuse December 30, 2009
Shake and Bake Meth Labs Circumvent Federal Restrictions on Cold Medications © Photo Credit: Shawnblog
It's known as shake and bake. It’s a new way to make methamphetamine that doesn’t require a lab set up or hard to find ingredients, and which allows meth users to cook up their own drugs in about 45 minutes. Read Article
Drug Abuse August 31, 2009
4 Months of Opiate Use Increases Risk of Impotence by 50%
4 Months of High-Dose Opiate Use Ups Erectile Dysfunction Risk by 50% © Bruckerrlb
Here’s one very compelling reason to quit opiates sooner rather than later. Read Article
Drug Abuse July 19, 2023
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