Eating Disorders

At a time when there seems to be more of an emphasis on female empowerment than ever before, messages of shame related to body size still permeate our culture. Full Story
Obese people rewarded with $20 for losing 4 pounds in a month were far more likely to lose significant weight than people given no such cash incentives.
(0)Need to lose a few pounds? Consider this – women who regularly read the nutritional information on food labels weigh about 9 pounds less, on average, than women who don’t.
(0)Researchers say that people with high self-control don't really have more willpower, they just stop enjoying junk food faster. Fortunately, by paying close attention to the amount consumed, even people with low self-control can become sated faster.
(0)Researchers say one way we judge food quantity is by evaluating how many pieces of food we have to eat on our plate, so if you’re trying to lose weight, you can trick your mind into accelerated satiety by cutting food into tiny pieces.
(0)Although we may think eating disorders are a young person’s problem, new research out of The University of North Carolina demonstrates that even after 50, women are still very prone to disordered eating and body image problems.
(0)Penn State researchers say food binging may predispose a person to drug addiction.
(0)Models with a BMI score of under 18.5 need no longer apply for fashion work in Israel.
(0)To tackle obesity, the National Health Service in the UK is trying out dinner plates which measure your rate of consumption and deliver recorded messages when you start eating too quickly
(0)Can’t stop eating? Maybe you’re addicted to food – researchers say that the brains of compulsive eaters respond to the thought of fatty/sugary foods like the brains of alcoholics respond to the thought of a drink.
(0)Researchers at Rush University Medical Center say they’ve figured out how to help people lose weight – and that typical forms of obesity counseling; which involve helping obese people learn strategies overcome cravings to eat high calories foods, just don’t work.
(1)After wading through study data on more than 17 000 people with eating disorders, researchers have determined that anorexia nervosa is the most lethal of all mental illness – by far.
(0)After hearing complaints from the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA), Yoplait Yogurt has decided to cancel a commercial that normalized the obsessive thoughts and behaviors inherent in eating disorders.
(0)British researchers who examined the medical records of anorexia patients say that an unusual number of these patients were born between March and June.
(0)Women with a family history of alcoholism are 49% more likely to be obese than women without a close relative alcoholic. Researchers suspect that people with a genetic predisposition for alcoholism are also more likely to stimulate the pleasure centers of the brain with overeating.
(0)Got a teen daughter that spends hours a day glued to Facebook? Well, watch out, because according to some research out of Israel, girls who spend more time on the social networking site are at greater risk to experience an eating disorder.