Non-Substance Addictions

Problem sports betters tend to overestimate their abilities to predict outcomes. Cognitive behavioral therapy can help problem sports gamblers overcome this illusion of control. Full Story
Has anyone ever told you that you need to cut down on the time you spend at work? Does your work negatively affect your health and do you get stressed if you can’t work as much as you ‘need’ to? Find out more about work addiction and take a self test to see if you might have a problem with compulsive working.
(1)Doctors in Australia can now prescribe the anti-addiction drug naltrexone as a treatment for problem gambling; but therapies like cognitive behavioral therapy and motivational interviewing are still suggested as the most effective treatments.
(0)For habitual indoor tanners, settling down for a session of intense UV light activates the same pleasure areas of the brain that amp up after the use of alcohol or drugs or the consumption of high fat or sugar foods.
(0)A young couple in South China is accused of selling all three of their children to raise money for online gaming.
(0)Research out of China shows that too much time spent playing games in front of a computer screen each day can actually rot your brain. Using MRI scans, researchers found grey matter atrophy in very heavy internet game players.
(0)A 15 year old Vietnamese boy lured his 7 year old neighbor into the jungle to pick fruit and then beat her to death with a rock so that he could steal her gold earrings. He needed the money to pay for his online gaming addiction.
(0)Trying to get a handle on the scope of internet addiction in American today, Yale researchers questioned 10 000 Connecticut high school students about their online practices. They say that 4% of these teens are using the internet in ways that cause problems and that these kids are also more likely to be depressed, get in fights and use drugs and tobacco.
(0)Debbie Keller, a San Diego mom of 2 preschool aged kids, says the popular children’s entertainment venue/restaurant chain, Chuck E. Cheese's, is more or less teaching children to gamble by using illegal gambling equipment , modified to the tastes of children. She wants them to stop and is hoping her lawsuit will give the company 5 million reasons to do so.
(0)South Korea considers pulling the internet plug at midnight for computer gamers under the age of 16.
(0)After playing 20 000 hours of the MMRPG within a 4 year period, Craig Smallwood became so addicted to the game that he could no longer function in the real world. He says the game makers should have warned him of the risks of addiction and so he’s suing, saying that the game has ruined his life.
(1)Almost 40% of polled Facebook users say they’re addicted to the site – Many will check the site before going to the bathroom in the morning or wake up in the night to check for updates!
(0)Winning at the slot machines provokes a rush of excitement in anyone, but for those with severe gambling problems, just coming close to winning something provokes that same kind of feel-good rush.
(0)Researchers say that as many as 1 in 3 young people who use indoor tanning facilities could be addicted to tanning; and that those that show addictive symptoms are also far more likely to display symptoms of substance abuse and anxiety.
(0)South Korea is looking hard at its online habits as the couple who left their baby to starve to death while they played online games faces trial. In a move to reduce high rates of addiction, the government has announced severe restrictions on play time.
(0)Researchers at Leeds University in the UK say they’ve found a strong connection between depression and internet addiction.