
Want to prevent your child from becoming a bully? Well, there are some things you can’t change (like prior experience getting bullied) but you can reduce the risk by reducing exposure to violent ... Full Story
Only 5% of parents believe their teen son or daughter has used marijuana in the last year…in actual fact 28% of teens have.
(1)70% of teens use social networking sites on a typical day. These teens are far more likely to drink, smoke cigarettes and use marijuana.
(2)A Pennsylvania photographer won’t take graduation portraits for 4 high school bullies who she found making very mean spirited comments about other students on a ‘slambook’ style facebook page.
(0)A culture of binge drinking and increasing rates of childhood obesity in England are putting a half million children between the ages of 4 and 14 at risk for liver disease.
(0)Researchers at Columbia University say that 75% of American high schools students have used drugs or alcohol and that 1 in 5 meets the medical criteria for addiction.
(1)A mom in Dover England is facing a 12 month jail sentence for tackling and then taping up her daughter to stop her from meeting with a drug dealer.
(0)Scottish researchers say that children who report feeling neglected or controlled by their parents at the age of 11 are twice as likely to experience mental illness by the age of 15.
(0)Kids with mental health problems like social phobia or impulsivity are more likely to become addicted to video gaming. Those that become video game ‘addicts’ tend to experience a worsening in social functioning and emotional health while those already addicted to gaming that reduce their play time tend to improve in those same areas.
(0)According to recent research, girls who are victims of bullying at school or online, have an increased chance of becoming substance abusers due to depression.
(0)A roundup of research results on the consequences of teen drug abuse as presented at the Annual Society for Neuroscience Conference in San Diego.
(0)Preteens and teens that aren’t happy at home or school are far more likely to drink alcohol and those that drink alcohol are far more likely to have sex at an early age.
(1)Most teens stay up too late and then make up for lost whole-week sleeping time by snoozing late into the day on weekends. Teens with coming mental illness display erratic sleeping habits, but no set pattern of behaviors.
(0)Worried your kids are using drugs? Well if you’re willing to hire the K9 dogs from Baltimore’s DogsFindingDrugs, you’ll know for sure if even the smallest traces of marijuana, cocaine, prescription narcotics, opiates or amphetamines reside within your home.
(0)Police in Stanwood Washington say that heroin is now local teens’ drug of choice.
(2)Teens with ADHD are twice as likely as teens with no mental health disorders to drop out of high school.