Tobacco Addiction

New experimental nicotine vaccine seems to work better than previous versions. Full Story
Researchers say, no matter how old you are, your risk of early death falls dramatically after you quit smoking.
(0)Quit now to reduce your odds of dementia later in life. People who quit for at least 10 years prior to late middle age experience no increased risk for tobacco related dementia.
(1)Canadian scientists say that very heavy smokers who quit smoking can experience a spike in an enzyme called MAO-A. MAO-A metabolizes serotonin and so too much MAO-A can result in too little serotonin and feelings of sadness and depression.
(1)Although we all know that smoking while pregnant isn’t healthy for mom or unborn child, a surprising number of pregnant women still choose to light up. New research out of University College in London shows that these moms are putting their children at greatly increased risk for birth defects ranging from clubfoot to missing limbs to gastrointestinal problems.
(0)Politicians in Iceland are set to debate a law that would make cigarettes available only with a doctor’s prescription.
(2)Children and tweens exposed to secondhand smoke absorb more nicotine out of that smoke than adults do – so much, in fact, that researchers out of Montreal Canada say that some children living with smokers, who had never before smoked cigarettes, were showing signs of nicotine addiction.
(0)Cigarettes that were once marketed as ‘light’ are in fact no safer than any other – which is why most Western nations now outlaw the use of the terms light or mild on packaging. Nevertheless, about 1 in 5 smokers still believe that cigarettes sold in light colored packages are less harmful.
(0)About a third of us have a genetic malfunction which disables our ability to regulate nicotine consumption. Those of us with this particular genetic abnormality are at a greatly increased risk of nicotine addiction.
(0)A new law enacted on Monday in Honduras bans smoking in most enclosed public and private spaces – and if people smoke in the home near family members, they might get arrested.
(0)Teens who are experimenting with smoking cigarettes, but who are not yet daily smokers, fail to recognize initial symptoms of dependence, such as cravings, as early symptoms of a tobacco addiction.
(0)Researchers find that pigs’ haemoglobin is secretly used in cigarette filters to improve filter performance.
(0)An Israeli researcher says that on average, young male smokers tend to have lower IQs than young male non smokers.
(0)Smoking bans work to save lives and improve health, say researchers in New Zealand who followed heart attack incidences in years following the implementation of a major public smoking ban.
(0)A Floridian jury slapped tobacco giant Phillip Morris with a $300 million verdict – to be paid to a single ex-smoker who now has emphysema and requires a lung transplant.
(0)University of Wisconsin researchers compared 5 different types of quit-smoking medications, and say that nothing works better than the nicotine patch augmented with nicotine lozenges.