Russia Considers Sending Drug Dealers to Forced Labor Camps
© Wen Nag

Russian politicians say they’re losing their domestic battle against drugs, so they’re ready to get tougher – with suggested measures such as mandatory drug testing in schools and forced labor ... Full Story

Holland to Ban Tourists from Cannabis Cafes © Suzana e gariba

In a move to promote health and reduce crime, Holland decides to ban tourists from using marijuana at any of their famous cannabis cafes. Dutch citizens who wish to continue to legally buy and smoke marijuana will now have to sign up for a year membership card.

Drug War
Mexican Cartels Build Narco Tank © CNN

Those in the drug trafficking business have long tried to elude detection on trips north to America through the use of drug-filled homemade submarines, now, taking things one step further, cartels in Mexico are borrowing another page from national military playbooks by constructing homemade narco-tanks.

Man Bites Cop to Beat DUI Charge © WildGrace429

New tough laws in China mean jail time for those convicted of DUI offences. Not eager to face the music for his offense, and acting with some pretty questionable judgment, the first man to be charged in Shaxi province under the new law actually bit the arresting officer in a bid to avoid taking the Breathalyzer test.

Drug Trafficking
Pigeons to Smuggle Drugs into Prison © digitalclickclick

Police in Columbia say they’ve ‘captured’ a pigeon outside of Bucaramanga prison that had 45 grams of marijuana and cocaine paste strapped to its back.

Mexican Drug Violence
Mexican Drug Rehab Attack ©

Gunmen in Tijuana Mexico burst into a private drug rehab center called El Camino late Sunday night and executed 13 recovering drug users.

UK Gov Bans Mephedrone © PTGreg

The popular and controversial party drug mephedrone (street names of meow meow, drone, etc.) will soon be an illegal substance in the UK.

Drug Smuggling
Police Bust Gang of Lingerie Model Drug Smugglers © Angie Sanselmente Valencia

Angie Sanselmente Valencia, a 30 year old ex lingerie model is now a wanted fugitive after police uncovered her drug smuggling empire. Valencia, they say, used beautiful young women to travel the world delivering suitcases filled with cocaine.

50% of Jailed Scots Were Drunk While Committing Their Crime © Photo Credit: St. Stev

Half of Scots in the country’s prison system were drunk when they committed their crime – survey shows that alcohol use by prisoners is up substantially from only 4 years ago.

Afghani Town Banishes Drug Users – Burns Homes of Dealers © Photo Credit:ChuckHolton

Village elders in Ghazni Province Afghanistan have enacted edicts that demand the banishment from town of drug users, and called for villagers to burn down the homes of drug dealers who don’t heed warnings to stop plying their wares.

Chinese Government Holds Half Million Drug Users in Slave Labor Camps © Photo Credit: Ndy Kethdy

New York based Human Rights Watch has released a report condemning Chinese govt. practices of involuntary detention of drug users, forced unpaid labor, beatings and a denial of medical care.

Spanish Grocery Chain Stocks Cocaine in Produce Section © Photo Credit: Tom Lin : 3

Drug traffickers who misplaced 25 kilos of cocaine will be relieved to learn that their drugs have turned up…in boxes of bananas shipped to supermarkets around Spain!

UK – NHS Overwhelmed by Costs of Alcohol Abuse © Photo Credit: Lab2112

With a staggering number of Britons drinking at unsafe levels, The Royal College of Surgeons warns of a treatment burden that could break the National Health Service (NHS).

Helpful News
Alcoholic Cirrhosis Kills 22 Year Old Londoner Who Was Denied a Liver Transplant © Photo Credit: Times Newspapers Ltd.
Britons are looking hard at the problems of teen drinking after the death of 22 year old Gary Reinbach from complications related to advanced cirrhosis of the liver. Read Article
World July 21, 2009 (2)
Survey Reveals That Boredom Drives British Teens to Drink © Photo Credit: Samuel Trip
A British charity survey reveals that teenagers with nothing to do are likely to take advantage of low cost alcohol to get drunk over the summer holidays. Read Article
World August 05, 2009
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