Britons are looking hard at the problems of teen drinking after the death of 22 year old Gary Reinbach from complications related to advanced cirrhosis of the liver.
(2)Spice Gold is a herbal mix sold as a legal alternative to marijuana that induces a cannabis like high. Laboratory investigations have revealed the presence of some synthetic substances not shown on the package ingredients list and a group of German doctors say that they've treated a patient with a physical dependence to the herbal mixture.
(0)Spice Gold is a herbal mix sold as a legal alternative to marijuana that induces a cannabis like high. Laboratory investigations have revealed the presence of some synthetic substances not listed on the package ingredients list and a group of German doctors say that they've treated a patient with a physical dependence to the herbal mixture.
(3)They come, they eat some opium and they wander around in the fields making stoned crop circles. It’s a problem.
(1)American Drug Czar, Alan Bersin, warned Mexican cartel leaders against targeting either US or Mexican law enforcement, and warned of a significant response for those that do.
(0)Young English men and women are using a lot more cocaine, ecstasy and alcohol but less heroin and crack cocaine – in all, treatment admissions rose by 12% over the past 2 years.
(0)A newly released report by watchdog agency "Alcohol Concern" may spark an end to the self regulation by pubs and bars of alcohol promotions, such as happy hours.
(0)Schools Secretary Ed Balls is considering a proposal that would allow teachers the explicit right to search students suspected of possessing drugs or alcohol.
(0)TV host Jeremy Clarkson of "Top Gear" is criticized for drinking and driving on camera.
(0)And 13 million smoked it last month - all from a report by The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Addiction.
(0)Hans Kristian Rausing is worth over 10 billion, he has long battled with addiction issues and he is now on the run after jumping out of an open window as police broke down his bedroom door.
(0)Saturday's "booze ban" party on the London subway is described as chaotic and violent. Transport officials report 50 staff assaulted.
(0)Teachers in England are going to be on the lookout for hung-over kids as public health officials struggle to reduce binge and underage drinking.
(0)For 3 years, no one noticed that 30 year old Irven Foster produced an average of 12 children per year - for tax purposes.