Rehab for the Uninsured

is rehab an option for someone such as I, who has no income and no health insurance?
Jim LaPierre Says...
Hi there and thanks for writing. This is a question I get a lot and I wish I had more options to share. The very best resource I know for those seeking to overcome addiction without insurance is the Salvation Army. Now - there are a myriad of needs and resources that are a part of recovery - we can seek low cost and no cost medical care in local clinics for example. I am assuming that what you need is rehab and that you may or may not be medically compromised even after your initial period of sobriety. I urge folks to check with local hospitals and churches. Of course, the greatest resource to those in recovery remains the good people of AA and NA and if I were overwhelmed and/or unsure where to start - that's where I'd begin.
Good luck to you and blessed be - lots of meetings and lots of Grace may well be enough to get you to the new life you've been wanting :)
Page last updated Jun 28, 2014