Addiction is a Selfish Disease
Florence Cameron Says...
Dear Mother,
You've crossed over to the addicted person you said you'd never become. This is all too common and furthermore, a tragedy. If you love your kids you would seek help immediately and find a safe place for your children to stay. You have lost complete control and this is child abuse and child neglect in the full sense of the word. All your money goes towards drugs, finding them, doing them and recovering from them. These children need to be taken from you, because you have taken your hands off the wheel of your life and the life of your children. I urge you to do the right thing for your children, as this will affect them negatively. You are thinking of yourself only. If you have a shred of concern for those children you will see that they are with people who can give them what you cannot; love, security, the basic necessities: a bed, food, clean clothes and a calm mind. These children need someone who cares for them, not someone who puts drugs before them.
It is time for you to do the right thing. These kids are helpless and depend on you for everything and you can't be there for yourself much less for anyone else. Reach out to family for your children's sake and then go get help. If you are sick and tired of living this way then change it. You are the only one who can. Happiness is an inside job.
Jeannie Cameron, LMHC, LCAP
Naples, FL
Page last updated Feb 24, 2014