Regrets, Guilt and Shame from a Lost Past.

Florence Cameron Says...
First of all congratulations on making the choice to get sober!
This is a very fragile time in your recovery, Many feelings that you were repressing with your using are now surfacing. It is these feelings that send many people back to their drug of choice as they never developed any other coping skills then to escape with drugs and alcohol. You have an opportunity now to make some positive and lasting memories that unfortunately you forfeited with your drug use. Your recovery program should help you "let go of the past" as there is nothing you can do about it now. Yes there will be somethings you will remember and those things will perhaps cause you shame and guilt, however, this will be counter-productive to your sobriety.
Your children are still young enough to benefit from a father that will be emotionally available to them. However you still have a lot of healing to do yourself, and approaching life one day, or one minute at a time is crucial. Let your sponsor help you stop rewinding the "old tapes" and get busy writing a new script for your life. All the best.
Jeannie Cameron, NCC, LMHC
Naples, FL
Page last updated Nov 14, 2012