What to do? . . . What to do?
Florence Cameron Says...
And hence the dilemma. "I have used cocaine on and off for many years but after my last binge" . . . . This is the story of so many lives. The threshold between recreational use and dependence of substances and alcohol is unclear and different for everyone. One person may go many years living a "sub-normal state" and continue using until those "mental and emotional resources" are depleted, which is what I hear you describing in your "symptom of depression". And then another person's bio-chemistry is such that one use of certain drugs (cocaine being one) where a second chance isn't an option. Some will lose their life, have bio-chemistry that causes increased sensitivity, or depletion. Putting it bluntly, if one uses they make a short-term decision that can become permanent.
You found the money to acquire the cocaine when you wanted it. I think you are worth acquiring the money needed to seek help. At this point in the game of "roulette drug use" you've lost the ability and distinction to make rational choices and therefore your important brain systems are malfunctioning. Only with the help of skilled professionals; doctors and addiction counselors, and most importantly.........an intrinsic desire on your part to get better, rather than just getting by will things change. If nothing changes...nothing changes.
All Americans are now required to have insurance under the newly formed plan. There will be a financial penalty held against them from the IRS yearly if not. I suggest to you that you put your hands back on the wheel of your life and get back on the road again. The alternative ........my friend is bleak.
Choose The Next Right Thing!
Jeannie Cameron, MS, NCC, LMHC
Naples, FL
Page last updated Oct 25, 2013