Marijuan Effects
Jennifer Hamilton Says...
For some people, marijuana or "weed" is really hard to stop. Some people also have the symptoms you are describing in your friend. Not everyone uses to this extent or has this effect so many people see it as harmless. I am amazed everyday at the people to think it is harmless. Your friend may be doing synthetic marijuana as well. This does have much more of an impact on the bizarre behavior you are describing. There is a condition that is connected to psychosis that can happen from heavy marijuana use called "depersonalization". It is where a person feels disconnected from their body and is having "unreal" sensations. Have you tried talking to your friend about it? Does he have any recognition of the effect it is having on him? You may try doing that. Many people who use marijuana are unaware of the effect it is having on them. The part of the brain that helps you be aware if effected by their use. Maybe you could at least convince your friend to attempt to cut back and see if that helps? Good luck to you.
Page last updated Apr 25, 2013