My new therapist lowered my Xanax by half and its not working
Comments (2)Dr. Stuart Shipko Says...
What you describe is all too common. In the process of marketing the SSRIs, such as Paxil and Prozac, the drug companies did their best to vilify the competition - Xanax.- to try to take a bite out of the Xanax market. The dangers of the drug have been exaggerated. Many clinicians have a knee jerk type reflex and feel this strong urge to stop a patient's Xanax whenever they see it has been prescribed. Cutting the dosage is half is extreme and I am not surprised at your discomfort. If you are unable to reason with your prescribing doctor, you might want to contact your long term provider and ask for some help in reinstating your usual dosage.
Page last updated Jul 22, 2016