Teen Looking for Alcoholism Treatment for a Parent

Anna Deeds Says...
Thank you for your question. It must be difficult for you to have a mother struggling with alcoholism. To answer your question, your mother's insurance should cover her treatment. People who are disabled are usually insured through state or federal insurance programs. These programs generally cover most alcohol treatment facilities. To receive treatment she can contact her insurance or go to the nearest hospital emergency room. She may need an alcohol detox if she is physically addicted to alcohol. She can also attend Alcoholics Anonymous meetings for free.
I would recommend that you attend Al-Anon meetings which are 12-Step meetings for the family and friends of Alcoholics. They even have meetings especially for teens called Alateen. These meetings are free and could help you deal with your feelings about your mother's alcoholism.
Children of alcoholics often feel they have to take on more responsibility at an earlier age and sometimes even take on the role of parent. This kind of role reversal can leave a child feeling resentful. If you are feeling any anger or resentment, this is normal and could be worked through by reaching out to others who are experiencing the same thing.
Good luck and I hope both you and your mother get the help you need.
Page last updated Feb 11, 2013