Can Vitamin B supplements deter the damage of alcoholism?
Comments (1)
Florence Cameron Says...
Dear Heavy Drinker,
Your question is very revealing. The math of over 31,000 beers in the last 15 years is alarming. You have been very lucky so far, however denial can be deadly, and the state of your professional integrity will suffer along with your body from the deleterious effects of chronic consumption. Alcoholism is a progressive disease and It is around 10-15 years of heavy drinking that the liver begins to decline, building fibrous scare tissue killing the liver. It is this thinking pattern which testifies to the level of damage you're experiencing. The disease has progressed to a level in which you are unable to reason the gravity of your condition. Without a good brain you will not make quality decisions about your life.
If Vitamin B supplements could deter the deleterious effects of alcoholism, death related cases would decrease also. Fish Oil, a low caloric diet, exercising and correcting negative thought patterns along with supplements can help your vitality. Alcoholism is the number one leading preventable cause of death. if you had a million dollar race horse would you feed it junk food? I don't think you would and this is why I can sense you have crossed the threshold to addiction as you are worth more than a million dollars and you aren't aware of the damage you are doing to yourself.
It would be prudent to allow your brain and body to heal by abstaining from the drink. This will also prevent further damage. The best of luck to you.
Jeannie Cameron,LMHC
Naples, FL
Page last updated Jul 22, 2016