Minimizing Effects of Alcohol

Jennifer Hamilton Says...
I really cannot answer that question. I think you would be best to address it to a physician on here or one you see. I am unaware of anything that would have a true benefit or truly counteract the negative effects of alcohol. I was taught that just one time a year of getting drunk has enough bad effects to counter act any good effects of drinking a small amount that you hear about, i.e., those who drink a small amount may live longer or have better kidney function. Alcohol is so toxic in amounts above two standard drinks (that is one 12 ounce beer, one 4-5 ounce glass of 12% wine or one 1.5 ounce shot of 80 proof liquor) per day. I am sorry I cannot be more help. I certainly think that taking steps to do things that are healthy will not hurt, such as eat nutritious foods (alcohol users often are malnourished), exercising and taking vitamins. However, it may not be any help in stopping the damage caused by alcohol.
Page last updated May 01, 2013