Does it work?
06:42 AM EST, Wed May 29, 2013
filed under:
AA Meetings
What percentage of people actually make it through all of the 12 steps?
Jill Edwards Says...
I am sorry I don't know the answer to that. I do know that it is a lot less than one would hope. But, there is a well known adage which says "It works if you work it" and I have a son who is 13 years sober and can attest to that. Many people have created a wonderful recovery within AA. They have been able to put things right in their relationships and feel that they are putting something back into life by helping the newcomers they meet and becoming a sponsor.
Whether it works for you will mostly depend on what you put in and what you bring in from your past. I wish you well.
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Page last updated May 29, 2013