It's ok to be angry
Jim LaPierre Says...
Hi there - thank you for connecting with us
Yes, it's incredibly common for ACOAs to be angry and it seems you've already read a lot about those dynamics.
I urge you to consider the common characteristics and roles of ACOAs and find yourself in them
Anyone in your shoes would be angry. You felt unprotected and you looked to her as a child for safety
It makes sense that seeing her triggers you.
Resolution comes from working through the fact thaat your abuser is deceased and moreso, being in the here and now with confidence as a grown woman. When you are panicing or triggered, you probably feel very small and very young
Working on mindfulness and grounding skills will help
Forgive your mother - she did what she could and what she felt she was allowed to
But forgiveness means letting go
and we need a lot of help and support with that
Please lean on loved ones and please write me more if I can help!
Page last updated Jul 18, 2018