Teen Binge Drinking Can Lead to Blackouts and Alcohol Dependency

Delisted Expert Says...
Let’s discuss the primary cause of alcohol-related blackouts. The primary cause is drinking too much alcohol too quickly. Usually, when individuals have blackouts, it is recommended that they see a medical professional and medical treatment. An excellent article “What Happened? Alcohol, Memory Blackouts, and the Brain,” written by Aaron M. White, Ph.D., a research professor in the Department of Psychiatry, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina, offers a clear explanation how alcohol is the “sledgehammer” in the toolbox of recreational drugs. To better understand the serious and profound effects of alcohol and alcohol-related blackouts have on the brain and its functioning, go to the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism website and read this excellent article. This website can be found at:
The risks and rapid progression in teenage alcoholism are widely known and have enormous health implications for teens. For more information about this, please go to these websites:
The current research shows that the younger the age of a person when he begins drinking the more likely he is to have an alcohol dependency problem during some time in his life. Individuals who begin drinking under the age of 15 are at high risk for alcohol abuse and/or dependency. If you are drinking daily, drinking too much in short a time, having blackouts, I would confidently state you are very progressed in your alcohol abuse. Be very careful because it is your health which is at risk. My recommendation is that you talk with an adult you trust, tell him or her, about the extent and effects of your excessive drinking. See if you can see a counselor who can have you assessed for alcohol abuse or dependency. The sooner you take action, the better your outcome results will be.
I would like to acknowledge you for your courage in seeking out the professional opinion of an addictions counselor. You have made the biggest step. Now, you must take the next step by getting evaluated and treated for a medical condition; known as alcohol abuse/dependency.
If I can be of further assistance to you, please do not hesitate to contact me. I have supported many teens in making new decisions about their lifestyles and substance abuse. I know you can turn this destructive practice around.
All the best,
John W. O’Neal, Ed.S, MSW, MA, LPC, NCC
Page last updated Jul 06, 2012