How Long have You Been Drinking?...
Dr. Mark Abrahams Says...
...And no offense, but typically, readily-admitted amounts of drinking tend to be on the conservative side. I also drink wine on a pretty regular basis, but 1 or 2 glasses is now typical for me, down from 3 (splitting a bottle with my wife). However, being fond of the grape, I have on occasion followed wine consumption with a nice cognac. The cost keeps this practice down to very limited consumption, and honestly, it's been quite a while since I've been truly intoxicated.
Personally, I've never experienced alcohol withdrawal symptoms, but if I did, I would consult my primary care physician for advise on whether my withdrawal needed to be monitored in a live-in detox facility where small amounts of tranquilizers were administered to ease the recovery. Sudden withdrawal from heavy alcohol consumption can be fatal, and no doubt, below that particular threshold, all manner of symptoms can arise and persist. You really should be taking the proper vitamin supplements during this transition (especially B-complex), and consulting with a dietician as well. Some of the nootropic supplements might also be in order, but I am not qualified to make recommendations, so please ask someone who is! It is possible that your physician can cover all of these bases, but that is rare. Moreover, I am assuming that you actually have a regular physician.
Ethyl alcohol is a neurotoxin that can damage virtually every system in the body. It may be marketed as a beverage, but make no mistake about it, it is the toxin in the word intoxication.
Page last updated Apr 24, 2014