Drinking, Anxiety, mental Illness

Loren Gelberg-Goff Says...
Your question and concern are understandable, but before you go down the road of worrying about having a mental illness, you need to see if you have the same anxieties, paranoia, and fears if you do not drink at all. You state that you do not have a drinking problem but that you drink 2-3 times per week. How many times per week do you awaken with a hangover? There are a number of factors that indicate drinking is a problem . Check out the site highlighted and see where you fall in the descriptions...
IF you are willing to stop drinking altogether for a period of 30 days you can see if you continue to have the symptoms of anxiety and paranoia. You don't indicate your age or for how long you have been drinking a few times each week and how often you have these hangovers... All of these are factors in determining what is really going on.
I would certainly recommend counseling regardless of the cause of your anxiety and other feelings because whatever the cause, they are certainly disconcerting and worthy of exploring. There are many options for you for choosing a counselor, and I'd seek out someone who specializes in anxiety disorders.Drinking can certainly mask underlying problems for awhile, but then problems are ultimately compounded. Please, do yourself a favor and take some serious time off from drinking to eliminate a risk factor, then we can better assess what your real issues are.
You can still go out with your friends, but stick with club soda and see how you feel. Feel free to contact me if you need additional guidance or support in seeking the help you need and deserve.
Page last updated Aug 27, 2014