Being Bullied can be helped with Psychoanalytically oriented Psychotherapy
Dr. Shirley Schaye Says...
It's hard to say, not knowing your brother, whether he is asking for it or not. I can though say from what you have described that your brother does have problems that if he got himself into the right kind of therapy it would help him enormously. Now, again, I cannot say why your brother behaves the way he does but I can say that the behaviour he exhibits certainly invites people who are sadistic to bully him. The best thing for him would be to enter psychoanalytically oriented psychotherapy that would certainly get to the root of what formed his personality and that kind of therapy will help him work through his masochism. The result will be that that people would no longer pick on him because with the help of psychoanalytically oriented psychotherapy he will present a very different front --- he won't allow people to be sadistic towards him.
I don't know his city, state and zip code but if you send it to me I'll help him find someone with the proper training.
Dr. Shirley Schaye
Page last updated Jun 12, 2012