Dealing with Memories that Impact Your Life

Loren Gelberg-Goff Says...
Great question... I'm sorry that you are feeling that something you can't quite put your finger on is interfering in your life. Hypnotherapy is a very powerful and worthwhile therapeutic intervention to help learn what it is that is getting in your way. It is important that you establish a good rapport with your therapist prior to having a hypnotherapy session because a big part of hypnotherapy is about trust. The therapist should not be the one to "suggest" a memory, but rather you can discuss the issues that are coming up for you and what it is that you feel is lurking in the background. Hypnotherapy would be what I would recommend to uncover the memory that seems to be haunting you... A good place to seek a qualified hypnotherapist would be through the Wellness Institute. They provide training for heart-centered hypnotherapy which is a very supportive and compassionate modality, and the practitioners have a reputation of operating with a great deal of integrity. I hope that this is helpful to you. Please let me know if you need any additional information or input. All the best, Loren (
Page last updated Jul 09, 2012