An IN-PERSON CONSULTATION is needed to Diagnose your situation.

Dr. Shirley Schaye Says...
I have not had an in-depth, in-person consultation with you so cannot really say what is going on. I would need to know very much about you to determine why this is happening more now --- like, e.g., a complete history of your family background, who are you getting angry with, what is this person doing that is making you lose it like that. Of course, I cannot say if there is a physical, organic reason. That, of course, would need to be ruled out by a neurologist. Psychologically, as I already said, you would need an IN-PERSON CONSULTATION to determine what is going on. If you tell me your city, state and zip code I will help you find someone with the proper training who would be able to diagnose what is going on.
Dr. Shirley Schaye
Page last updated Sep 20, 2012