Distinguishing Mental Health Issues and Adolescent Issues
Rev. Christopher Smith Says...
In order to be able to o any sort of diagnosis, a mental health professional would need to meet with you, inlcuding exploring things that have happened before now. With thatbeing said, let me share a few things that might be helpful that are more general. However, let me stress again that you should probably sek a local person to see to help get your particular answers.
Normal adolescence can feel like a roller coaster emotionally. You are learning to handle things that you will have to face thoughout your life and the way you are encountering them is challenging and can certain promp worry and sadness. It is also true that in later adolescence pople are increasingly likely to have the first episode of certain serious mental illnesses. This is a reason to seek professional help to distinguish between these two options. When the swings are more dramatic or when responses are too extreme, there is a greater chance that something else is going on. The good news though is that there is hope for those who get appropriate help.
Another aspect that adolescents have to deal with is working out how they relate to other people. Developing their own identity and being able to value what they do is important. Unfortunately, the path for this is not without its own bumps. It is natural to not know how other people are reacting and so to wonder whether someone actually likes you. One of the questions to ask around this is whether your worries are stoppng you from doing what you need to do in life.
The initial question also highlights that some metnal health syptoms actually come from other illnesses. A good counselor/therapist would help screen for these possibilities. Of course, there is also the possibility that only part of the symptoms are being caused by the other illness and what you are experiencing is actually from both the other illness and a mental illness.
Your questions are good ones and show that you are willing to explore what is going on with you. This is a good sign that you will be able to find a path that leads to you experiencing wholeness and peace. Whatever is going on, you might find it helpful to speak with a counselor/therapist and have someone to talk to that is not already involved in your life. This is the case whether you are experiencnig normal adolescent challenges or something that is more serious.
Page last updated Oct 11, 2013