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Free Depression Resources

answered 12:24 PM EST, Mon March 12, 2012
I am depressed and have anxiety and I am unemployed and living with friends. I have no money for any kind of therapy or even for medication but I can’t get work because on most days I can’t even get myself to leave the bedroom. How can someone with no money at all for any kind of treatment have a hope of beating mental illness?

Stephanie Adams Says...

When you're depressed, you feel so trapped - but there are options out there:

  • First, community mental health resources available at lower rates for low-income individuals: http://www.nccbh.org/
  • Second, self-help and support groups: http://mentalhelp.net/selfhelp/
  • Third, discount/free medication resources: http://www.needymeds.org/. Also, talk to your doctor about private pay and sliding-scale discounts - many doctors understand how difficult it is for the uninsured to get quality health care.
  • Fourth, public assistance in the form of social security/disability financial help: http://www.ssa.gov/ It does take time to receive aid, but if you qualify it can help you out long-term.
  • Fifth, free clinics: http://www.freeclinicfoundation.com/
  • Sixth, seek support and encouragement through the National Empowerment Center: www.power2u.org

Don't give up! You can get through this!


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Page last updated Mar 13, 2012

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