Does Outpatient Rehab Make More Sense Sometimes than Inpatient Rehab
Dr. David Sack Says...
Outpatient treatment is most successful when the course of addiction is not complicated by other factors such as a co-occurring psychiatric disorder, multiple drugs of abuse at the same time or recent or past suicide attempts. One needs to look at whether it is even possible for the individual to cut down or stop in an outpatient setting. As a rule people do best when they are treated in the setting that is most appropriate for their particular problems. Transitions are difficult for most people in early recovery.
At Promises we find that people are most successful when they find a temporary sponsor and commit to going to enough meetings in the first month (20-30 meetings) to find a home group they are comfortable going back to. Continuing with outpatient therapy and medications (if they have been prescribed for depression or anxiety) can be critical to success.
Page last updated Dec 19, 2011