Impulse Control Disorders: Dr. Lani Chin

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Nail Biting

answered 03:56 PM EST, Mon April 08, 2013
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anonymous anonymous

Trichotillomania treatment recommendations

answered 10:16 PM EST, Mon February 04, 2013
Expert Answer: Read On User Comments (0)
anonymous anonymous

Compulsions and OCD

answered 02:02 PM EST, Mon August 20, 2012
Expert Answer: Read On User Comments (0)
anonymous anonymous

Habit Reversal Therapy

answered 07:21 PM EST, Mon July 30, 2012
Expert Answer: Read On User Comments (0)
anonymous anonymous

Trying to regain control

answered 03:49 PM EST, Thu July 05, 2012
Expert Answer: Read On User Comments (0)
anonymous anonymous

Managing Anxiety

answered 11:58 PM EST, Wed June 20, 2012
Expert Answer: Read On User Comments (0)
anonymous anonymous

Impulse Control Side Effects

answered 06:35 PM EST, Thu May 03, 2012
Expert Answer: Read On User Comments (1)
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