For Real?
Dr. Mark Abrahams Says...
Is this actually a real question? Because you're being addressed by a Grateful Dead head since 1972, who lived for shows until 1994, my last. I never approached a mental health professional with the thought that I'd have to eliminate my music connection." Forget trying to hit that scene sober. I have tried that too many times to have any illusion about my abilities to control myself." Were you high when you wrote this? Because music is not the problem, your lack of self-control is the problem, and probably your using behaviors. I recommend that you reformulate your question and orient the quandary to what do you have to do to enjoy your favorite music without being inebriated. I'm here to help, but you need to take responsibility for what is distressing you without me having to assume anything. Music is awesome, and if you think you can't dig it without dope, then you do have a problem. Cop to it, and write back.
Page last updated Aug 17, 2013