She's Come Undone
Jim LaPierre Says...
Hi - thanks for your question...vague though it may be. You posted your query in the sex addiction category and ask if there is help for a poor girl? This can pertain to so many things and normally I'd be asking - "Um, hey, could you narrow it down a bit for me?" But then I saw your follow up question in which you asked that I please not refer you to prayer or chanting.
So my guess is that you're emotionally drained and not open to spirituality as a form of coping. Is there hope for you? Absolutely! As long as you are vertical and breathing there is hope As long as you have an open mind and a broken heart there is hope As long as you are willing to earnestly look at yourself and have willingness to change, there is hope.
And if you care to narrow it down a bit for me, I'll be happy to give more specific suggestions
Page last updated Jan 21, 2014