Teens on Facebook
I have not told her that I snooped through her account but I am very worried about this. Is this normal behavior for a 13 year old girl? What should I do about this?
Rachel Starck Says...
Dear Parent,
While your daughters participation on facebook it is not unheard of at her age, it certainly is of concern given the dynamics of facebook, and the internet in general. I would seek a local counselor who specializes in adolescent/family issues to talk to about this. Without knowing much about your relationship with your daughter, previous boundaries you have set regarding her computer and internet use, her peer relationships, family dynamics and such, I can not tell you what you should do, aside from that is is of concern, and I recommend that you get a professional counselor to help guide you through this and other issues on the horizon as you raise your daughter.
Best wishes,
Rachel Starck LPC
Page last updated Apr 25, 2012