Laura Ahn

Laura Ahn

Counselor/Therapist, MA, LMHCA
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CandL Counseling
306E Wells Ave S
Renton, WA, USA 98057

Treatment Offered

Therapy Orientation:
Cognitive Behavioral (CBT)
Age Focus:
Seniors, Teenagers, Adults
Anger Management, Women, Spirituality, Trauma and PTSD, Addiction or Substance Abuse, Parenting, Other, Domestic Abuse or Domestic Violence, Anxiety or Fears, Relationship Issues, Infertility or Adoption, Loss or Grief, Depression, Finding Your Purpose in Life
Treatment Modality:
Couples, Individuals, Groups
Any Ethnicity, Pacific Islander, Hispanic, Other, Asian, African American, Native American
Religious Beliefs:
Christian, Any Religion
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About My Work
“We often use addictions to escape the reality of our own lives or as an outlet for expressing emotions. Combining individual counseling with Alcoholics Anonymous, Sexaholics Anonymous, etc or group therapy can be powerful. Groups keep us accountable while counseling helps us explore individual ways to change. Perhaps there’s something better than the life you are living now; we can work together to discover it!”
My Story
“Calling is the intersection between your passion and the world’s need. I spent several years working at corporations and non-profits, studying and traveling internationally and domestically, before I discovered my calling in counseling. It is truly an honor to walk with clients from all cultural and faith backgrounds on their life journeys.

For Christian clients, I also offer optional prayer and Biblical support based on Regent College seminary classes I’ve taken and my own personal faith. For people of color and those who speak multiple languages, I know ethnic minority culture and elementary Chinese (Mandarin & Cantonese), elementary Spanish and elementary Korean. All counseling is in English, which I am fluent in and is my 1st language.

For all clients, I meet each person where they are and work with them to explore who they are and who they want to become. We are all in the process of becoming someone or something as we move through time in the minute by minute, hour by hour moments that pass. If you are feeling alone, anxious or misunderstood in your own life, I would be honored to join you in your journey.”
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Years in Practice: 4 Years
Graduated from: Northwest University
Year Graduated: 2012

Cost & Payment Modalities

Avg Cost (session): Sliding Scale
Accepts Insurance: Yes
Insurances accepted: Out of Network, Other, ValueOptions
Accepts Credit Cards: Yes

Please verify costs and payment modalities before you arrange your first visit

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