- Life Is Worth Living Because...
- Life Is Worth Living Because Of: Kids, Moms, Dads, Grandparents, Sisters, Good Friends, Pets etc… The goose bumps you get when hearing a great song for the first time – and anything else that gives you goose bump or those good kinds of shivers... The pleasures of a good meal – something to enjoy everyday, 3 times a day (or 4….) Those times when you come away from a book, film, song or piece of art feeling somehow moved or enlightened – getting that magical feeling of connectedness to the human condition
- My Story
After wrapping things up at school with an undergraduate degree in psychology from Carleton University I set off for a bit of fun on a trip to Asia – not knowing at that time that my trip would extend to a decade and more and that I’d find myself a new home country in tropical Thailand
A little bit of teaching soon led to the opening of a small restaurant, which ultimately led to the opening of a slightly bigger one – which I still have to this day. At the same time, also a number of years ago, I started working as a freelance writer, eventually coming to specialize in mental health and addiction writing.
For the last 5 years or so I have authored and researched hundreds of articles and blog postings on addiction and mental health, have authored ebooks on finding care and, for a short time, even ran a free help line out of my own home to answer questions about addiction and treatment and to help people in need connect with treatment they could afford.
John Lee's Most Recent Activity on Choose Help
Facebook Share on Twitter 02:30 - Mar 19, 2025 What You Need to Know about Protracted Withdrawal
Learn about protracted withdrawal, why you might experience unpleasant symptoms and what to do if your symptoms just won’t go away.
Facebook Share on Twitter 07:22 - Feb 24, 2025 8 Ways Meditation Keeps You Sober
If you aren’t meditating already, here are 8 very good reasons for you to consider taking it up. Whether you’re still drinking or using and trying to control yourself, just starting off with treatment or long down that winding and difficult recovery ...
Facebook Share on Twitter 02:55 - Jan 14, 2025 Alcohol Addiction - the Straight Facts
The difference between alcohol abuse and alcohol addiction (alcoholism), what puts you at risk of becoming an alcoholic and what to do once you’ve crossed that invisible line to addiction.
Facebook Share on Twitter 01:48 - Dec 09, 2024 2nd Step Prayers
The Christian 12 steps evoke beauty and power. They lead us away from drugs and alcohol as they lead us back to a strong connection with Christ... but although the process works, the journey is far from easy. Here are some prayers long used for when ...
Facebook Share on Twitter 01:40 - Dec 09, 2024 Let Go and Let God
Any journey to recovery begins with an acceptance that without God's wisdom, strength and love, that we have no chance. Let go and let God...He will show us the path and He will give us the strength to walk it! Don't worry anymore, beleive in Him, ...
Facebook Share on Twitter 01:38 - Dec 09, 2024 Alcohol Rehab: Residential Or Outpatient?
Some people can stop drinking on their own, more people will need some form of professional therapy, and most of us will require therapies on an inpatient basis. What do you need?
Facebook Share on Twitter 05:43 - Jul 02, 2024 Methadone Side Effects
Thinking about using methadone but worried about the side effects? Well, firstly, know that while there are some side effects associated with the drug, it is a very well tolerated medication and most people find the side effects to be very ...
Facebook Share on Twitter 02:05 - Jun 05, 2024 GLBT Twice as Likely to Need Mental Health or Addiction Treatment
A survey study of Californians indicates that gays, lesbians and bisexuals are far more likely to seek out addiction or mental health treatments; more than half of lesbian women seek out help.
Facebook Share on Twitter 02:04 - Jun 05, 2024 Depression Doubles the Odds of Dropping Out of College
It's not surprising that students diagnosed with clinical depression fare worse at school than students who don’t battle mental illness, but it turns out that people with a certain type of depression can actually perform quite well, while people ...
Facebook Share on Twitter 02:04 - Jun 05, 2024 Internet Therapy for Depression Works as Well as In-Person Counseling
An Australian randomized control study that evaluated internet based therapy for depression reveals that net-based counseling works about as well as in-person therapy.