Dr. Art Sprunger

Treatment Offered

Therapy Orientation:
Cognitive Behavioral (CBT), Relational Therapy, Family/Marital Therapy, Coaching, Interpersonal, Eclectic, Other
Age Focus:
Seniors, Adults, Any age, Children, Teenagers
Anger Management, Child or Adolescent Issues, Divorce, Compulsive Disorders, OCD, Spirituality, Other, Domestic Abuse or Domestic Violence, Anxiety or Fears, ADHD, Finding Your Purpose in Life, Gay Lesbian Issues, Parenting, Thinking Disorders, Sex Therapy, Addiction or Substance Abuse, Mood Disorders, Psychosis, Chronic Pain or Illness, Elderly Persons Disorders, Loss or Grief, Infertility or Adoption, Dissociative Disorders, EMDR, Life Coaching, Autism, Trauma and PTSD, Personality Disorders, Impulse Control Disorders, Relationship Issues, Women, Eating Disorders, Depression
Treatment Modality:
Couples, Individuals, Families, Groups
Any Ethnicity
Religious Beliefs:
Christian, Any Religion
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Life Is Worth Living Because...
“God, our Creator, has designed a purposeful plan for each of us, loving us and providing grace, forgiveness and empowerment to experience true personal freedom, both now and forever.”
About My Work
“Working in the field of Christian Counseling Psychology for several decades. Now available anywhere with super-secure, online virtual therapy office. Specialize in issues relevant to those in leadership positions, including personal development, integrity, purpose, and personal freedom to be all that they and God wants for them to be: in their business or professional life, their personal life, and their family life.

Special areas of experienced counsel: Biblical and spiritual life issues; panic attacks, anxiety, OCD; anorexia, bulimia, sexual areas (fulfillment, dysfunction, same-sex attraction, addiction, fidelity); depression, bipolar or binary thinking; ADHD; child, teen, young and senior adult issues. Work well with both men and women.”
My Story
“I firmly believe God has called me to care and share counsel consistent with His Word, grace and love, first as an ordained pastor and now as a counselor, therapist, professional confidant, especially focused on those in leadership, professional or public roles. I work with anyone and everyone the Lord brings into my path who seek help, encouragement and support. I personally have over 25,000 hours of direct counseling experience. My MA & PhD are in Counseling Psychology, and I am honored with Doctor of Divinity and Doctor of Humane Letters.”
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Years in Practice: 30+ Years
Graduated from: Baptist University, USA
Year Graduated: 1984
License issued in: Pennsylvania
License Nr.: Exempted under PA & DE state law - religious psychological services
Other Credentials: Certificate, United Association of Christian Counselors, Intl, Certified Professional Christian Counselor - Diplomate, 1984

Remote Therapy

Phone Counseling: Yes
Online Counseling: Yes
Technologies: Skype, iTherapeia - super-secure, live-streaming virtual therapy office - open 24-7 anywhere.
More Info: privateprofessi...

Please use the contact form on this page to find out more about the provider's remote therapy options

Cost & Payment Modalities

Avg Cost (session): $120 - $149
Accepts Credit Cards: Yes
Online Payments accepted: Yes

Please verify costs and payment modalities before you arrange your first visit

Dr. Art Sprunger's Most Recent Activity on Choose Help

  • 1
    Q & A Reply: 12:42 - Mar 07, 2012 Why "All or Nothing" Thinking Fails

    I am an atheist but my sister is a very devout born again Christian and I respect her beliefs. She got addicted to vicodin after a number of small elective surgeries a few years back. Things got very bad before she finally admitted to having a ...

  • 2
    Q & A Reply: 01:39 - Jan 05, 2012 Experiencing Emancipation

    Why does it take so long to work through the 12 steps of AA? I believe in God already and I am ready to submit my will to him have Him heal me. I know that I have harmed a lot of people over the years and I am ready to start making amends now for ...

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