Jeff Curran

Jeff Curran

Boston, MA, USA
Signed Up:
11 years ago
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My Story
“I'm a recovering addict/alcoholic from the Greater Boston area who grew up in a family of addicts. My girlfriend is currently in recovery from heroin, and we are working hard every day to stay clean and sober, and have a fulfilling joyful life. It is far from easy, but you need to work hard for yourself and the people you love.”
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Jeff Curran's Most Recent Activity on Choose Help

  • 1
    04:01 - Aug 07, 2013 Serenity During the In Between Times

    My girlfriend relapsed on heroin back in May and we recently moved in with her mom to get away from high risk places. I work during the day, and she stays home with her mom in between going to the methadone clinic and going to meetings. I've been ...

  • 2
    08:31 - Aug 04, 2013 Rescuing and Denial of Self

    I've been going through a bit of a crisis and I need help. A little over a year ago my family discovered that my sister was addicted to prescription drugs. She stole almost all of my parents savings as well as family items etc. Within a year of my ...

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