Mary Ellen Brayton

Mary Ellen Brayton

Royal Oak, MI, USA
Signed Up:
13 years ago
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Life Is Worth Living Because...
“we get the opportunity to make the world a little better by our being in it. It might be in the people we touch or the work we big or small ways. They all count!”
My Story
“After having worked in the business world for 20 years I decided I needed to do something else. I wanted to help others and find deeper meaning in my career. I returned to school obtaining a Masters Degree in Counseling. Since then I've worked in a variety of settings - two clinics and two non-profits in order to find the types of clients that I truly clicked with and had a passion helping. I found my true calling in helping those in transition. After experiencing my own transformation by changing careers I feel I understand it on a personal as well as academic and professional level. Change can be scary and obtaining guidance from a trained professional can help in all areas from knowledge of strengths and transferable skills to improving damaged self esteem and overcoming the anxiety related to change. I also enjoy helping couples before marriage in order to guide them into better communication and compatability. I work with those in marriages experiencing difficulty and also help those transitioning after divorce. The only constant in life is change. Letting go of "the end" is necessary in order to begin anew.”
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