Inside (28 articles)
If you had an opportunity to change the present course of your life and you knew you wouldn't have to do it alone would you be interested in knowing more?
Addiction is not a choice but life-threatening disease. Unfortunately, many people still believe addiction is a choice - and it's a serious problem.
Learn how the brain changes of addiction exacerbate problems with impulsive and compulsive acts – how impulsivity drives early addiction and compulsivity and impulsivity perpetuate later stages and most importantly, what you can do to retake control.
If you’re looking for a good reason to stop abusing tramadol, read on here for an overview of how tramadol works in the brain and the risks associated with chronic abuse, such as addiction, lowered sleep quality, neonatal abstinence syndrome, medication overuse headache, seizures and more.
Drug abuse test: do you have a substance use disorder? Well, if you’re not sure, answer the following 2 questions honestly and find out – 92.3% of people that can answer no to both questions do not have a problem.
Can you get addicted to marijuana? Many dispute its existence but experts say marijuana addiction is very real. Read the supporting evidence and then decide for yourself.
Withdrawal symptoms don't tell the whole story. Learn why persistent cravings make heroin so tough to quit.
Learn how gradual and imperceptible changes to the brain’s structure and function lead people steadily from recreational use to heavier use to addiction.
Tips for controlling chronic pain while tapering off Vicodin, such as: an example tapering schedule, experts that can help, alternate forms of analgesia, helpful lifestyle changes and more.
Learn what increases your risk of Ambien addiction, the particular dangers of use and how to overcome both Ambien dependence and addiction.
Wondering about your use of Ativan (lorazepam) or any other benzodiazepine? Well then, take this 2 minute benzodiazepine addiction self test and find out if you have an addiction, and if so, how serious it is.
Is MDMA addictive? Does it actually do you long term harm? How do you know if you have a problem? Read on to find the answers to these questions and more.
Find out how the physical, psychological and cognitive consequences of long-term meth use make quitting so challenging, and how addiction treatment can help you to compensate and stay clean for long enough to give your body and mind a chance to heal.
Do you smoke marijuana? Want to know how your habit compares to the average American’s? Find out your percentile ranking here.
Thinking about giving up marijuana but not sure you’re ready to take the plunge? Well, here are 70 benefits of quitting – all first-hand accounts from previously heavy users about how life changes for the better once you don’t need to get high all the time.
Want to understand addiction? Here are the straight facts from the American Society of Addiction Medicine.
Although for years people believed that marijuana wasn’t addictive, we now know that a small percentage of people will become marijuana dependent. For years researchers also believed that quitting marijuana resulted in no syndrome of withdrawal symptoms – but a growing body of research evidence now shows that marijuana withdrawal symptoms are very real and that they can be very serious. In light of this evidence, the American Psychiatric Association has proposed including cannabis dependence in the upcoming edition of the DSM-V. Here are the proposed DSM-V diagnostic criteria for marijuana withdrawal.
According to self-report data taken from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, the more often you smoke marijuana, the more likely you are to self-report problems stemming from that use.
People who use cocaine have an increased risk of heart attack, stroke and other forms of heart disease. Cocaine causes high blood pressure, can cause cardiac infections, causes the heart to work harder as it shrinks blood vessels, can lead to an enlarged and weakened heart and to a host of other cardiovascular conditions. The chronic use of cocaine can lead to serious damage, but most scarily, cocaine can lead to heart failure even after a first experimentation.
About 10% of people who experiment with marijuana will develop an addiction to the drug. Marijuana addiction is very real, there is a significant syndrome of withdrawal pains associated with quitting marijuana, and a lot of people just can't do it on their own.
Inhalant addiction is a recognized disorder by the American Psychiatric Association, and the abuse of inhalants can lead to serious health consequences and death.
Fentanyl, often sold under the name Duragesic, is a schedule 2 narcotic, and is one the most potent and dangerous of all the abused pain medications.
An effective and safe medication for ADD/ADHD but a dangerous amphetamine for those that abuse it.
Syrup, syzurp, lean - whatever it's termed - it's dangerous, addictive and the detox is tough.
An addiction to GHB can develop in only weeks of heavy use, and once addicted, GHB addicts face a serious and possibly dangerous syndrome of withdrawals.
About one in ten who begins experimenting with marijuana will find themselves addicted to the drug. Are you addicted to marijuana? Take this test and find out.
Used to treat ADHD, when abused, Ritalin is very pleasurable and also very addictive. Thousands of people suffer addictions to Ritalin, and no matter how they got addicted, they deserve treatment to help them get better.
A drug is a drug, and your body can't tell the difference between what's legal and what's not.