Inside (8 articles)
Anger issues? Do you need to work on a healthier conflict resolution? Learn how assertiveness can help you deal with anger in a productive way.
In a stormy relationship? Do meaningless disagreements tend to grow into angry fights? If so, you’re dealing with something called escalating negative affect reciprocity… and it’s a relationship killer. Luckily, there’s a cure - read on to learn about a 7 minute writing exercise that will help you to see things from your partner’s perspective and which is clinically proven to increase relationship satisfaction.
Recent research shows that swearing and cursing actually relieve pain. Should we use it and does that make it a good thing? Maybe it is like a narcotic. Here's a way to understand this and to begin to think of other ways to relieve pain.
If anger and fighting taints an important relationship are you willing to try something new that might help to reduce the tension and arguing? If you are, consider the CUDSAIR method. It’s a structured system for conflict resolution that minimizes personal attacks as it keeps the focus on finding a solution that’s acceptable to everyone.
Though it seems like revenge will make us feel better, researchers say it does the exact opposite. Luckily, where revenge fails forgiveness soars, and when you forgive someone else it’s you who benefits most. Learn to beat lingering anger with a 5 step method to true forgiveness.
Why does alcohol lead to aggression and rage for some, but not for others? Learn more about how alcohol facilitates aggression and learn what kinds of people are most prone to alcohol related anger.
Find out if you’ve got an anger problem that needs attention – and if you do – learn what a therapist might teach you to help you manage that fury.
Quick to anger? Learn 7 simple strategies for cooling down fast when you feel that rage threatening to spill over.