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We live not only with ourselves, and not only with God, but also within our community, and for the 5th of the steps, we for the first time begin our healing as a part of this larger community.

By admitting to our comprehensive listing of moral failings, not only to ourselves and to God, but also to another person, we rejoin the community in the process of healing, and we demonstrate our commitment to God.

Too often our pride stands in the way! When out of humility we should express gladly our sins, so that Christ may help us overcome our failings. We are by nature weak and sinful, God knows this, and all he asks is that we show the humility to recognize it.

The 5th step requires that you shed your pride and admit to another person all of your failings, and this can be hard. Pray for the strength and courage to do it well, and when it's done, you will have truly demonstrated your commitment to God and man, and taken a great step towards real recovery.

You'll feel a weight removed after, if you do it right. Pray to God so that you do it right!

AA Big Book 5th Step Prayer

God I thank you from the bottom of my heart that I know you better. Help me become aware of anything I have omitted discussing with another person. Help me to do what is necessary to walk a free man at last.


Anonymous 5th Step Prayer

Dear Lord,

Lord, I have done wrong, help me admit to it
Lord, I have done wrong, help me to leave nothing out
Lord, I have done wrong, help me to swallow my pride
Lord, I have done wrong, help me to do right


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Page last updated Aug 05, 2010

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