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It's hard sometimes. Our loved ones may do terrible things while drunk or high and these actions can hurt us deeply.

Sometimes it's difficult for us to avoid judging, but when we do, we no longer serve Christ…we act as God. We do not need to forget wrongs committed against us, we do not need to allow further wrongful actions to be committed against us; but we must remember that our loved one is sick. We must forgive, and we must only pray that through Christ, they can get better.

Remember them for what they were. Remember that they are sick, remember that through God's love they can get better, and love them. Protect yourself, but love them.

Dear Lord

Fill my heart with only love
Through your grace, let me love him even though he has hurt me
Help me to understand that I need not forget, but I must forgive
Let me at all times to understand that his disease takes him away from your love.
Let me at all times remember what he was
Dear Lord, I pray that he finds You, but until he does, give me the patience to wait, the courage to serve only you and the love to treat him only with kindness.


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Page last updated Aug 05, 2010

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