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Just believe in Jesus and live as He wishes, and you never need to drink or use again.

Christian Rehab

Christian recovery recognizes alcoholism and drug addiction as diseases, and being healed requires submitting willpower to the guidance of Jesus Christ. Through Jesus Christ comes peace, forgiveness, and the strength to live one day at a time without drugs or alcohol.

The Christian 12 Steps

Christian rehab generally follows peer based support programs closely affiliated with the 12 steps of Alcohol Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous. Christian recovery groups adhere to Jesus Christ's teaching as their primary guidance for recovery. The Savior's message is part of the treatment, in conjunction with other more traditional therapies such as AA, or inpatient treatment programs.

A Christian recovery program operates through peer based meetings of Christian fellowship between addicts. Alcoholics and Drug addicts submit their will and their hearts to the guidance of the Lord, and humble themselves before the Lord to feel His love, and use His strength on the road to recovery.


Christian recovery groups use prayer actively in meetings, and use the scriptures for solace and strength, and as a tool towards recovery. Christians are encouraged to search their hearts for the Lord's will, to humble themselves before the Lord through an admission of worldly weaknesses and shortcomings, and through an acceptance that only through God's will and Gods' guidance is recovery possible.

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Page last updated Aug 05, 2010

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