Steps 1 through 9 are all about healing…step 10 is about staying healed.
Step 10 is about making sure that we keep grace alive, step 10 keeps us sober for life.
God has infinite power, He could just heal us, and that would be the end of it, but He will not do this. He has shown us the path, through His grace He will show it to us in every moment of every day, and all He asks of us is that we open our eyes and our hearts.
There is no better way to keep an open heart to God's love than through a daily, or more than daily inventory and confession of wrongdoings. Through a continual process of making amends to God and man for our wrongdoings, we stay humble, aware of our imperfect natures and aware that no matter how we try, we can never achieve the perfection of Christ. Thankfully, this is OK, and as long as we realize it and make contrition, God rejoices in our humility.
Step 10 Keeps us on God's Path
Step 10 kicks us in the behind when we start to feel complacent, start to feel that we’ve beaten this thing! Step 10 shows us that we need God's grace now as much as ever, and that without His help, we’d be right back where we started. Step 10 keeps us on the right path, and keeps us sober.
We take a mini moral inventory, a few times a day, and a big one each night, and a bigger one every time we meet with our sponsor. We look fearlessly into our souls, just like we did in the beginning of our journey, and we make things right.
Step 10 keeps God front and center, right where He should be…right where we need him!
The Christian 12 steps are a journey; a journey out of the pains of addiction or alcoholism, but also the start of a life-long walk with Christ. Step 10 reminds us every day of our need for Him, and our love for Him; and this is powerful and beautiful…and above and beyond keeping us sober, this keeps us happy.
Recovery is a parable of life, real Christian life anyways, and it never ends; and once we get used to Christ as our daily companion in all things. Once we feel His power and His love in our lives…we never want recovery to end!
Step 10 is for life…step 10 is for God.
Page last updated Aug 05, 2010