8 Ways Meditation Keeps You Sober
© clearwisdom.net

If you aren’t meditating already, here are 8 very good reasons for you to consider taking it up. Whether you’re still drinking or using and trying to control yourself, just starting off with ...

What is Adventure Therapy?

What is adventure therapy and why is it an effective in the treatment of substance abuse? Understand this form of experiential therapy and how it promotes overall well-being.

Medical Marijuana: A Guide to Use without Abuse
© Alexa Augeri

Marijuana is a valid medicine, and like many other medicines, it has a potential for abuse. However, with medical marijuana, you're usually left to decide how much and how often to use on your own. ...

Nigella Sativa for Opiate Withdrawal - Pros and Cons
© Eran Finkle

Used for thousands of years as a traditional medicine, nigella sativa is a safe and effective complementary medicine that treats everything from cancer, to arthritis - and possibly opiate withdrawal. ...

Ease Opiate Withdrawals with Passionflower
© Paterjt

Learn more about this herbal medicine that’s research-proven to reduce the agitation, irritability, insomnia and anxiety of an opiate withdrawal.

Reducing Anxiety with Theanine from Tea
© Kanko*

How about a cup of tea? L-theanine may not replace your need for therapy or medication, but if you struggle with stress or anxiety, or even if you don’t, the soothing and cognition enhancing ...

Aromatherapy for Anxiety Control
© Brittney Bush

Mounting evidence suggests aromatherapy can help reduce anxiety. Most people can use this affordable therapy without experiencing negative side effects, so if you struggle with stress or anxiety, ...

Milk Thistle for Alcoholic Liver Diseases
© Jkirkhart35

If you have alcoholic liver disease should you be taking milk thistle? The research evidence is inconclusive, but a number of studies show real benefits and no studies show significant harms. Read on ...

Energy Psychology: A Quick Cure?
© Paulaclemente

Can you be cured of a phobia, fear, anxiety or even PTSD in a few short sessions? New evidence indicates that it might be possible.

Pros and Cons of 5-HTP for Depression
© Olivander

Thinking about taking the natural supplement 5-HTP for depression, anxiety, fibromyalgia or any number of other serotonin linked conditions? Well, read on to find a summary of the clinical research ...

Ayahuasca: Shamanic Wisdom to Cure Addiction?
© Lyne (Gracie's Mom)

Can an intense Amazonian hallucinogen help you to overcome drug or alcohol addiction? Read on to learn more about how Ayahuasca works and to find out where you can get treatment with this traditional ...

Should You Use Kava for Anxiety?
© Cayusa

Learn more about using herbal Kava as a mild but effective treatment for anxiety. A brief summary of some studies on its effectiveness and a discussion about the potential liver damage risks of ...

Electrical Acupuncture to Beat Opiate Addiction
© Seasidebear

A study on electrical acupuncture demonstrates its possibilities as a form of opiate addiction treatment.

Tai Chi for Mental Health
© Ed-Meister

Tai Chi is known to yield physical health benefits like improved muscle strength and balance, but can it also alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety, reduce stress and improve mood and self ...

Inside (18 articles)

What is adventure therapy and why is it an effective in the treatment of substance abuse? Understand this form of experiential therapy and how it promotes overall well-being.

Medical Marijuana - How to Avoid Abuse and Addiction © Alexa Augeri

Marijuana is a valid medicine, and like many other medicines, it has a potential for abuse. However, with medical marijuana, you're usually left to decide how much and how often to use on your own. Here's a guide to making sure your medicine doesn't start causing more problems than it solves.

Nigella Sativa (Black Seed) a Natural Opiate Withdrawal Cure? © Eran Finkle

Used for thousands of years as a traditional medicine, nigella sativa is a safe and effective complementary medicine that treats everything from cancer, to arthritis - and possibly opiate withdrawal. Learn more about the benefits (and risks) of this affordable and natural home-remedy for opiate withdrawal.

Passionflower to Treat Opiate Withdrawal Symptoms © Paterjt

Learn more about this herbal medicine that’s research-proven to reduce the agitation, irritability, insomnia and anxiety of an opiate withdrawal.

L-Theanine for Anxiety – Self Medicating Anxiety with Tea? © Kanko*

How about a cup of tea? L-theanine may not replace your need for therapy or medication, but if you struggle with stress or anxiety, or even if you don’t, the soothing and cognition enhancing effects of this tea amino acid may be just what you need.

Evidence Supporting Aromatherapy for Anxiety Management © Brittney Bush

Mounting evidence suggests aromatherapy can help reduce anxiety. Most people can use this affordable therapy without experiencing negative side effects, so if you struggle with stress or anxiety, maybe you should add a little lavender or citrus to your daily routine! Read on to find out more.

Considering Milk Thistle for Alcoholic Liver Disease – an Overview and Review of the Evidence © Jkirkhart35

If you have alcoholic liver disease should you be taking milk thistle? The research evidence is inconclusive, but a number of studies show real benefits and no studies show significant harms. Read on to learn more about this potentially life-saving herbal medicine.

Thought Field Therapy (TFT) - Energy Psychology: A Quick Cure? © Paulaclemente

Can you be cured of a phobia, fear, anxiety or even PTSD in a few short sessions? New evidence indicates that it might be possible.

5-HTP for Depression - Does It Work? Is It Safe? © Olivander

Thinking about taking the natural supplement 5-HTP for depression, anxiety, fibromyalgia or any number of other serotonin linked conditions? Well, read on to find a summary of the clinical research on its effectiveness and a discussion on the risks and side effects of its use.

Ayahuasca as an Addiction Treatment: Shamanic Visions to Cure Your Addiction? © Lyne (Gracie's Mom)

Can an intense Amazonian hallucinogen help you to overcome drug or alcohol addiction? Read on to learn more about how Ayahuasca works and to find out where you can get treatment with this traditional shamanic medicine if you so desire.

The Pros and Cons of Kava for Anxiety © Cayusa

Learn more about using herbal Kava as a mild but effective treatment for anxiety. A brief summary of some studies on its effectiveness and a discussion about the potential liver damage risks of consumption.

A Review of the Science Supporting Meditation as a Treatment for Substance Abuse © Rubyblossom

Can sitting quietly and focusing on mindfulness of breath really help you to manage cravings and overcome relapse as well as other forms of addiction treatment? Read descriptions of a few clinical research studies which show just how well the ancient practice of meditation seems to work as a complementary treatment for substance abuse and addiction.

Ayurvedic Medicine as Addiction Treatment © Dancing Lemur

Put 5000 years of Ayurvedic treatment experience behind your goal of overcoming addiction. Learn more about Ayurvedic medicine, how it works and if it might work for you.

Mindfulness Meditation – Research Says It Changes Your Brain in Just 8 Weeks © Alice Popkorn

A growing mountain of evidence points to meditation’s effectiveness in controlling and reversing conditions as varied as anxiety and depression to high blood pressure and diabetes, but new research out of Massachusetts General Hospital shows that just 8 weeks of meditation training and practice actually results in physical grey matter changes in the hippocampus.

Yoga as a Treatment for Depression - Yoga Causes Increase in Natural Antidepressant (GABA) © Leo.Prie.to

Researchers at Boston University Medical School show that sustained yoga practice results in increased levels of one the body’s natural antidepressant neurochemicals, GABA, in the brain.

Acupuncture Works as Well as CBT for PTSD © Megan Mallen

Researchers at University of Louisville School of Medicine ran an experiment on acupuncture as treatment for PTSD and they found that it worked as well as the more conventional treatment of cognitive behavioral therapy.

Tai Chi for Better Mental Health – The Evidence © Ed-Meister

Tai Chi is known to yield physical health benefits like improved muscle strength and balance, but can it also alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety, reduce stress and improve mood and self esteem? Read on to find out what clinical researchers say about Tai Chi as a treatment for psychological well-being.

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  • Mind-Body Therapies: Therapies which link the workings of the mind to the movements and functions of the body, such as Yoga, Tai Chi and meditation can cause potent and lasting changes to mental outlook and physical health
  • Nutritional Supplements: Herbs, minerals and other natural supplements, such as Omega 3 fatty acids, can reduce symptoms of mental illness and improve physical and mental functioning.
  • Ayurevedic or Chinese Medicine: Some people forgo Western medical ideas entirely and use more ancient knowledge for health promotion and disease prevention.
Alternative Therapies

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