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by Choose Help

Sometimes you may feel like "life is good..... but"... Maybe you feel like the rat race is getting the better of you, maybe you feel like "there's got to be more to life", maybe you don't necessarily want any major life changes but just feel a yearning for a little more joy and passion. So the question arises, how can we begin looking for this.... this "something more".

First Step: Start with a Check-Up

Firstly, for wellness, always start with a checkup to rule out physical conditions. Many physical conditions can contribute to feelings of low energy, depression, sleep problems, digestive issues, or many other symptoms that hinder our feelings of well-being, not to mention our enjoyment of day to day life. Busy schedules, competing responsibilities, poor work/life balance, aging and lack of adequate time for self-care can all contribute to dampened enthusiasm. Get checked out and see if there are lifestyle changes needed or get help for any serious issues that may be holding you back from fully enjoying life.

Second Step: Find Your Passions

Secondly, maybe you are at a new stage in life, or your goals have changed, or perhaps you have never known what passions to pursue.... you may want to spend some time searching for your strengths and weaknesses, and seeing what activities or ideals create that certain spark in your days. Self-help books, support groups, therapy, counseling and retreats are a few avenues that can help; or find your own path. Counseling psychologists can help out with psychological testing, personality testing, and various assessments to aid in finding points of interest. Knowing where you want to start looking can be a great step towards adding more passion to your plate!

Third Step: Plan Your Next Moves

Thirdly, research and planning may seem contrary to spontaneous and passionate partying, but these can provide ingredients vital to finding the enthusiasm and joys that will enhance your life, rather than adding problems or creating calamity. Keeping your personal and professional goals and values in mind and planning for the changes you want to see and the directions you want to try can keep the joy flowing while avoiding changes with consequences that are not wanted. Take a little time to plan things out - with professional guidance from a life coach, licensed counselors, or on your own using self-help resources.

...then: Take Action

Finally, go and do it. Whether it is a small daily attitude shift, weekly reminders, or working towards changes in your environment, career, or relationships, start as soon as you can. Life is short, and hopefully we can make it as happy as we want it to be.... seek help, seek inspiration, move wisely!

Most of us can benefit from a little more daily passion, and enthusiasm --- finding old joys, new joys, or different joys than originally planned -- to bring a little more sunshine to our lives!

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Page last updated Nov 24, 2014

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