Inside (37 articles)
Learn what to expect from cocaine withdrawal and learn how long your cravings will last – and what you can do to tame your urges.
Read this before you start your meth detox and find out: what to expect, whether you need an outpatient or residential detox (or whether you can do it on your own), how to stay safe and how to make it through protracted withdrawals.
Tapering from opioids or quitting cold-turkey? Here are some home-remedy tips to ease your discomfort.
Learn what to expect from a Xanax detox, and how to deal with Xanax withdrawal symptoms.
Many people find that heavy marijuana use causes reversible thinking and memory problems. By focusing on the cognitive improvements of the first weeks of recovery, you can find the motivation to continue to work to avoid relapse.
How to get past the first 2 weeks of marijuana withdrawal symptoms. Learn what to expect from marijuana withdrawal, with tips and suggestions for coping with individual withdrawal symptoms.
A how-to guide with practical advice on coping with the opiate-like and atypical withdrawal symptoms of tramadol discontinuation.
Most experts won’t endorse ultra rapid opiate detox for conventional opiates, and for tramadol, with its dual mode of action, the procedure is probably less effective and more dangerous.
If you can’t get past marijuana cravings and withdrawal symptoms, tapering down before quitting may help you find success. Get tips and suggestions here.
Learn about common Adderall withdrawal symptoms, how to gauge the severity of your addiction and withdrawal and how to support a loved-one through the detox process.
Rate your withdrawal symptoms to find out what level of treatment you need - people that score 20 or higher on this cocaine addiction test generally need more intensive treatment.
What to expect and when to expect it – here’s a timeline for meth cravings and common meth withdrawal symptoms. Use this to count the days till you’ll feel OK again.
What to expect from synthetic marijuana withdrawal, how to cope with common symptoms and how to make it past the first tough week.
An ordered list of common withdrawal symptoms by percentage experienced – cravings (59%), sleeping problems (50.5%), anger or irritability (45.6%)…
A how-to guide to tramadol tapering - What to expect from tramadol withdrawal, how to taper, example tapering schedules to minimize your discontinuation symptoms and practical advice on low dose reduction tapering.
Kratom leaves are used to reduce opioid withdrawal severity. Should you consider this potent supplement? Learn the risks and benefits here.
You can detox safely on your own, but getting medication and professional support improves your odds of success. Learn about your different medication and treatment options.
Though the idea of avoiding withdrawal symptoms while under sedation sounds appealing, the California Society of Addiction Medicine does not endorse rapid opioid detox. Here are 5 primary reasons why they don’t.
Those creepy-crawly-jumpy legs that make sleep impossible – there are few things worse than the restless legs of opiate withdrawal. Only time will solve the problem, but there are medications and home-remedy treatments that can minimize their severity. Read on to get the tips you need to get to sleep.
Rebound withdrawal symptoms, like a return of panic or insomnia, make benzo tapering tough. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is research proven to help you manage rebound withdrawal symptoms and increase your likelihood of a successful taper.
Thinking about quitting but not sure if you’re ready? Want to quit but worried about the withdrawal symptoms and your pre-medication anxiety? To stop or not…how to make up your mind!?! Well, read on to find a list of common quitting pros and cons, and then make your own list – and then make a decision, once and for all.
Done wrong, a benzodiazepine detox can turn into months of agony. Done right, by slow taper, it’s very manageable. Read on to learn more about what to expect, how to taper, how to minimize your withdrawal symptoms and how to cope with those you do experience.
Thinking about a home opioid detox? Talk to your doctor before you get started to find out more about a bunch of over the counter and prescription medications that can help to reduce the discomforts of the withdrawal period.
Thinking about giving up your marijuana habit but worried about the withdrawal symptoms… And how tough are they, anyway? Well, everyone’s experience differs, but read on to learn about 10 life and experiential factors that are associated with more challenging withdrawal symptoms.
Should you take valerian root to fall asleep while dealing with marijuana withdrawal insomnia? Read on to learn more about the safety and clinical effectiveness of this herbal anti-insomnia medication.
11 tips for making a tapering plan that minimizes the discomfort, puts you in control of the process and gets the results you want.
Information on how long a total Xanax tapering program should last and how quickly you should reduce your daily dosage.
While Lofexidine is not yet FDA approved, it is used in Europe to treat heroin addiction. Initial research results out of The New York State Psychiatric Institute suggest that combining Lofexidine with low doses of oral THC reduces the severity of marijuana withdrawal symptoms and relapse rates.
One of the most difficult aspects of quitting a heavy marijuana habit is the insomnia that often plagues that first week or so. Although in time you can expect to sleep better naturally, struggling with insomnia during those first days of withdrawal can sometimes derail good attempts at abstinence with a relapse born of frustration and a need to sleep! While there aren’t yet any medications approved to treat marijuana insomnia, you can take some steps to get a better night’s rest. Learn more here…
Learn the three ways to break an addiction to codeine and promethazine.
GHB (Gamma-Hydroxybutyrate), when taken in heavy doses for a period of days, can cause a physical addiction, and a dangerous syndrome of withdrawal.
A newer and in some ways preferable alternative to methadone maintenance therapy for the treatment of opiate addiction is Suboxone therapy. Suboxone therapy can be used to help addicts overcome the initial pains of withdrawal safely and humanely, and can also be used as a long term form of opioid replacement therapy.
Although rapid detox promises a very tempting pain free period of detox, there are problems with the safety, efficacy and cost, and addicts considering the relative merits of an opiate detox may need to be concerned.
You pay a high price for fleeting hours of pleasure, and the sooner you stop using and abusing ecstasy, the sooner your mind can begin its healing process, and the sooner you can return to life of natural happiness. If you can’t stop on your own, get help; life's too short and too beautiful to risk it all for a few pills in a club.
The cravings can feel overwhelming, and you'll never feel lower in your life; but cocaine addiction can be beaten. Get into treatment, get away from access to drugs, and learn what you'll need to know to stay sober. Take a step forward to a better life; get help now and never use again.
No matter how you got addicted, once dependent, you need to endure the pains of opiate detox. Few people have the strength to go it alone, and when the pains get bad and pills can be bought at the nearest pharmacy, it's hard to maintain resolve. For the best chance at sobriety you need professional help; help that can ease the pains of detox and also keep you away from access to pills and a too easy failure. It’s not going to be easy and you can expect some discomfort; but you can do it. Don’t let a fear of detox deter you from what needs to be done. Get off pills today, start enjoying life again tomorrow.
Need to detox? Learn more about alcohol detox and find out what withdrawal symptoms you can expect, how long it will take to end and whether or not you need professional help to make it through to the other side.