Inside (10 articles)
When rebuilding an estranged father - son relationship there are 4 cornerstones that fathers or role models must recognize and establish before anything concrete can be created. They are . . .
If an adolescent acts entitled, grandiose and self obsessed, does that mean she's a narcissist? Maybe...but probably not. Learn the differences between normal traits of teen development and those of narcissistic personality disorder.
Supporting our adult children in this day and age often means allowing them to move back home for a time. In the case of addictions and mental illness, we sometimes find that the love of parents is exploited or simply taken for granted. Here are tips on thriving as a family when adult children come back home again.
Anger has no place in discipline. It does not assert authority nor does it ensure that you've been heard. Learn better ways to communicate with your children.
After getting into trouble with drugs or alcohol (or behavior problems) your teen child needs you more than ever. Unfortunately, the negativity that accompanies these situations often poisons the parent-child relationship to a point where it’s hard to effectively parent. Here are 10 easy ways to repair the damage.
The needs of children in families of addiction are easily overlooked. Here's a quick guide to helping the children through, with specific recommendations based on age and developmental stage.
Don't take it personally. Children and their relationships to their parents change as they go through different developmental stages. Being aware of this allows a parent to adapt to this as well as to not take things personally when they shouldn’t.
Parenting a teen can be frustrating. Parents often get frustrated and when they are not thinking clearly may resort to issuing an ultimatum. There are serious cautions around this and better strategies for parents to try.
Having serious trouble with a teen son or daughter that includes heavy drinking or drug use and problems with violence, bullying or law breaking, extreme deceit and a disregard for the rules of the house and even the rules of society? If yes, you may have a child with conduct disorder and the drinking and drug use may be just a symptom of this treatable mental illness.
How can you differentiate between normal adolescent behaviors and those that indicate a more serious problem? Here are some guidelines from the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry on when to seek help and what warning signs to be on the lookout for.