The reality, far removed from the perception, is that older addicts are very able to curtail drug and alcohol abuse when given appropriate treatment; and older adults are far more likely to complete recommended treatment programs and aftercare therapies to their recommended conclusions, than are adults of a younger age.
Studies on drug and alcohol rehab for seniors indicate that seniors do not require a senior specific facility or program, and that any traditional rehab environment can be very beneficial as long as the unique health needs of the older addict are met. Any rehab facility for seniors must offer appropriate access to medical treatment and evaluation through the recovery process. Medical supervision is especially vital during any period of detox and withdrawal; as the process, which can be dangerous and painful for addicts of any age, often takes longer and incurs increased health risks on the frailer bodies of the elderly.
Although studies have shown that any drug and alcohol rehab for seniors does offer effective recovery programming, many seniors feel more comfortable in a program amongst peers of a similar age, and senior specific programs are preferred by many older addicts entering a program.
Drug and alcohol rehab for seniors must be considered a valid and beneficial treatment option for any older adult enduring the trials of addiction. Whether seniors have struggled with addictions for years, or have developed drug or alcohol dependencies in later life, the treatments available are effective and recovery is always the only acceptable solution. Allowing for continued abuse is never a kindness, and drug or alcohol abuse amongst the elderly reduces quality of life, health, and ultimately life span.
Families and medical professionals need to be on the lookout for the signs and symptoms that indicate abuse, and need to correctly diagnosis and arrange for appropriate treatment quickly. The risks of continued abuse are too great, and since seniors are so receptive to treatment, the likely benefits are equally great.
This societal problem is not going away, and with both a coming increase in the overall numbers of seniors, as well as increases in longevity and also drug taking attitudes of the emerging baby boom seniors, we are likely to see continued increases in drug and alcohol abuse dependence amongst the elderly.
A drug and alcohol rehab for seniors is often the answer. It works well and it can greatly increase the health and quality of life, while increasing the lifespan and decreasing the risks of injury and disease. If a loved family member needs help, they deserve access to treatment, regardless of their age.
Page last updated Aug 05, 2010