Inside (14 articles)
Some drug users are willing to get help but aren't ready to quit at this moment. Recognizing this, harm reduction programs exist to minimize the health, economic and social costs of drug use at the personal and community levels.
Children living with drug or alcohol addicted parents may experience neglect and endangerment. Here are 13 situations that warrant outside intervention.
Substance abuse counselors are supposed to take a whole year off after relapse. Don't these people also need to eat and pay bills? Here's a different approach to getting treatment and getting better - without losing everything.
Although a legal substance, a lot of legislation regulates how we can buy, sell and consume alcohol – and this is understandable, since alcohol misuse costs Americans an estimated $223.5 billion per year. Find out what types of alcohol polices actually work well to reduce the harms of excessive alcohol use and which ones – though they may sound good – do not work very well at all.
Although drunk driving isn’t as common as it was 20 years ago, well over 10 000 Americans are still killed every year in alcohol involved traffic accidents, and if you’re driving around after midnight on a Friday night, then about 5% of those driving around you are over the legal limit. In all, drunk drivers take 159 million perilous and sometimes tragic driving trips in America each year.
Binge drinking is bad for you and bad us. When you binge drink you put yourself at an increased risk of accidents, trauma and assault, and when you binge drink regularly your risks for a host of chronic disease go up substantially; but binge drinking affects more than the individual alone, at the societal level, binge drinking costs Americans well over $100 billion dollars per year.
Why cuts to addiction treatment funding may not save money in the short, medium or long term - Uncovering the hidden long term health care costs of untreated addiction.
The number of Americans imprisoned on drug offenses, the cost of keeping them within the corrections system and the racial disparity of this offender population.
As much as some would like to call those with addiction weak willed or immoral, the truth of it is that addiction is simply a treatable brain disease.
Marijuana, smoked by either a man or a woman, reduces the chances of a successful conception.
Does it exist? Learn about marijuana amotivational syndrome; the truth, the facts and the hearsay.
Is marijuana good or bad, and if it offers so much to people with cancer, AIDS and multiple sclerosis...why does it remain illegal? Learn the facts, the benefits and the risks, and learn why medical marijuana faces some significant challenges to acceptance and legality.
You have a legal right to confidential treatment, and you cannot be discriminated against on the job, in the housing market, or for access to any governmental programs. Find out what your rights are, and get help today.
Unfortunately, the damage done through drug abuse far exceeds the sometimes substantial destruction of the drug alone, and can also include infectious diseases and other health risks. Don't risk your health and happiness for a few hours of dwindling pleasure; get help and get better today.